Twice a year the world of hockey turns to the EHL, the Euro Hockey League, celebrating the best of club hockey. Some will tell you when EHL replaced regular European club championships it was the upgrade in the way the game was presented that made a difference. Some will tell you the innovation in rules it’s known for – with the self pass on the top of that list – makes it something special. They might all be right, but I’m here to remind you the foundation on which all of this is built has not changed… Club hockey is what makes it special!

Because in Europe sport is not a mere product of the entertainment industry. It’s not just a show put on to entertain the masses… Sport, hockey and our clubs are a way of life, the village in which we raise our children. While the EHL does bring us the best of the best in club hockey. Let’s remember most of the players out there are not pro’s. They are students preparing for their own careers or young professionals who combine their sport with their working and family life. The few exceptions, who for a short while do live as full time professionals in the game of hockey, all know that career will be a short one and not one that will pay the bills for the rest of their lives. But for many it does become a way of life… Our club is where we meet our friends, often our partners in life or business. It’s where we raise our children and share life with family and friends… That is what makes our club life, our club hockey special. That is what we celebrate when we go and cheer for our teams at the EHL…
This also means it’s not just about the top teams starring at the main event of the EHL. Sure they will get the bigger crowds filling the stadium. But it means it is also about the EHL Hockey ID festival at the same venue this Sunday. It is also about the EHL Under 14 event at the same venue at the same time. And it’s about the event for U19 teams organised by the EHCO at the same venue at the same time. All of these events bring our clubs together and celebrate club hockey as the foundation for our sport.
The EHCO asked some of the teams from their event to tell us why they love hockey, what their expectations are for their own EHCO Cup but also who might win the EHL?