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My name is Ernst Baart and you’ve guessed it, I’m the guy behind Studio Hockey.

In 2002 it started as a forum about Belgian top hockey. It moved on from there to columns about international hockey and they way it is managed

Today it is all about producing #stickycontent 🏑

Studio.Hockey is an expert in producing sticky content related to the world of field hockey

  • Video productions tailored to your event
    • Livestreams to social media platforms or rtmp feed
    • Recording on site & online
    • Post production
    • Storage, embedding & distribution solutions
    • Moderate, (co-)host or present
  • Podcast productions tailored to your event
    • Livestreams to audio or multimedia platforms
    • Recording on site & online
    • Post production
    • Storage, embedding & distribution solutions to private or public podcast platforms
    • Moderate, (co-)host or present
  • Written productions tailored for your publication
    • Copywriting about topics related to the world of field hockey
    • Ghostwriter for your columns, articles or interviews related to field hockey
    • Editor proofreading your articles or books related to field hockey
  • Solutions for:
    • Multimedia platforms
    • Print or online publications
    • Online or hybrid events, partial or full management behind the scenes
    • Online conferences, including virtual lounge & meeting rooms for networking, virtual stage for workshops and presentations, virtual conference booths for sponsors or partners
    • Community platforms (open or membership based) for integrated website & app
    • LMS solutions for virtual academies
    • Online platform for transformational coaching for 1-on1, cohorts or open groups

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